Code of Conduct

Think smart development programs

Code of Conduct

We value the relationship we have with our students and parents, and strive to treat one another with respect and dignity, and offer support where needed. In turn we have an expectation that parents and care-givers of children attending any of our programmes follow the same principles.

All parties should…

treat one another with respect;

respect the confidentiality of the situation and the privacy of individuals involved;

respect the beliefs, cultures and opinions of others even if you disagree.


follow the procedures and practises of the programme and if you disagree with something, talk to the coach/teacher first.

Ethical Communication

use appropriate communication skills;

stay calm and relaxed;

use non-judgmental, respectful language;

seek advice whenever appropriate.

Ethical Conduct

don’t smoke anywhere in site of children;

don’t possess, use or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs on school premises;

don’t harass or abuse any person or use profanity on sports facility

do not take any photographs or video/audio recordings without permission. To do so is illegal.

Parents and caregivers should…

behave and dress appropriately;

act with care and diligence;

behave honestly and with integrity.

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To ensure that we make everyone’s experience in sport as positive as possible, we expect that parents and caregivers will abide by these additional principles:

Encourage your child to play each sport by the rules and laws of the game;

Support and encourage fair play from all players, including the opposition;

Never publicly criticise your child or other players;

Do not question decisions made by the match officials;

Show respect for the programme with particular regard to attendance and time keeping;

Abide by all regulations of the programme and requests by coaches;

Focus on the effort and performance rather than winning or losing. Recognise that the Coaches are following a long-term programme of development for your child;

Do not coach from the sidelines. The only information and/or instructions to the players should come from the coach;

Remember that children learn best by example. Applaud good play by all players and teams;

Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities;

Show appreciation of volunteer coaches, officials and administrators. Without them, your child could not participate;

Discuss any concerns with the coach so they can address them directly;

Accept all decisions and requests by the coach on the day. If you wish to dispute them later, find a time convenient to yourself and the coach.
